Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Blog Why do men hate Greta Thunberg?

The biggest question the world has faced this summer has a simple answer. Why do men hate Greta Thunberg? Why indeed? Is it that she has achieved more in her tiny teenage lifespan than they have in half a century? Is it that she continues to speak, loudly and clearly no matter how many times they shout her down? Is it that she has been raised to value her voice and her contributions to conversations? 

All of those things, yes. Powerful men are often insecure men. Regular men are often insecure too. Men in general tend to build their identity around how much they matter to the world, how much knowledge they have, how much wealth they have, how many women they have. It is an endless pissing contest, and when a teenage girl walks in and makes it clear that she is smarter than they could ever dream of being, it shocks them to their core. They are furious that she isn’t afraid of being the smartest person in the room. They are furious that she will not centre their need to feel clever and important, and instead, focuses on the facts. It is killing them inside to know that she doesn’t care how they feel. They are furious because she is openly telling other young girls that the power she has is something they can have too. She is openly telling young girls that their voices have value, and that they can stand up for the things that matter to them. She is openly telling young girls that the world needs them.

I hope she never stops being the smartest person in the room. I hope she spends the rest of her life driving insecure, petty men insane, by just being her intelligent, unapologetic self. I hope she continues to speak, loudly and clearly, unafraid of doubters and haters, and I hope our next generation of young girls sees her and is inspired to take their place as the smartest people in the room too. 

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